For the third time, we have had the pleasure of hosting you on a common journey through the most current and important topics that Poland, Europe and the World are currently struggling with.

Prelegents: Mark Galeotti, Sylvie Kauffmann, Flavia Kleiner, prof. Jan ZielonkaThis year's World in Focus gathered over 250 guests, who for two consecutive days had the opportunity to talk with over 40 experts and experts from the world of politics, media and science. There were also practitioners and activists who often, from a different perspective, illuminate the most complicated issues and the possibility of personal involvement.
This year's theme was power - from that understood in political terms, to the more hidden as the power over our data in mobile phones, or in the production and distribution of food that we consume.
There could also be no questions about the European Union, for example in the session about the upcoming elections to the European Parliament or the limits of interference of EU institutions into the sovereignty of member countries. Traditionally, the entire event ended with the debate entitled “What kind of Poland in what kind of Europe?” This year, we have prepared it in cooperation with the Spięcie project, a series of articles on topics important for Poland from the perspective of five often very different environments: Krytyka Polityczna, Liberal Culture, Contact Magazine, the New Confederation and the Jagiellonian Club. We wish each and every civic education institution such a factual and substantive discussion while maintaining all the rules of public debate culture.
The debates were accompanied, as every year, by partner stands and activities for children. We are pleased with the many backstage conversations in which threads from conference rooms were discussed and ideas for new joint initiatives are being created.
On behalf of the organizers of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Warsaw Office and the European Council on Foreign Affairs ( ECFR) and the strategic partner of the capital city of Warsaw are already inviting everyone to the next edition in 2019.
In the meantime, we recommend a photo gallery and video recordings in Polish and English.
Opening session: Who holds the power now?
Prelegents: Mark Galeotti, Sylvie Kauffmann, Flavia Kleiner, prof. Jan Zielonka
World in Focus 2018, Opening session: Who holds the power now? - Heinrich Boell Stiftung Warszawa
